Sunday, 31 March 2013

Cheakamous--Long Weekend Edition

The long weekend is drawing to an end with the most amazing day yet in 2013.  Temperatures are reaching into the low 20's and everybody is loving life.  We decide to return to Cheakamous, as it was under-explored last year for such a huge and wonderful area. 

Heather wants to try some sport multi-pitch today, and practice her rapelling skills.  Sounds good to me.  We arrive at Conroy's Castle, intending to try both Emil and the Detectives and Charlotte's Web.  We start with Emil and the Detectives, as there is another group on Charlotte's Web.  I take lead today as Heather hasn't belayed from above yet.

The first pitch isn't hard, but today feels off.  I had to take a couple takes to re-assess my moves and rest my weary body before I made the top, but what a gorgeous day.  The shirt comes off and finds it's way into a pocket before I belay Heather up to join me.

The second pitch doesn't go much better for me.  I guess it just isn't my day.  I struggle and flail, but reach the top and am rewarded with an amazing view before I set up to bring Heather up to join me.  This is just the best.  I really could get used to this.  The sun is hot, I'm sweating, just a little.  Life is glorious.

I get one last stunning view once Heather has set up her rappel and then I follow her down.

Somebody is still on Charlotte's Web, so we decide to move farther down the crag.  When checking out the Interwebs earlier in the day I discovered an update to the Squamish Select guide that has reported a new route on the crag.  This seems like as good a day as any to try 'The Flying Classroom' a 19M 5.7.

Once we're situated I start off.  Start is good, I'm feeling a lot better now.  This climb is not for the faint of heart!  It's only a 5.7, the holds are nice, but not too plentiful, and the spacing on the bolts is about as far apart as someone would want to see!  Really gut-check time while making the moves up this climb. 

Being such a new climb the face is still REALLY dirty, lots of moss and lichen to liven up the terrain, and I booted loose a couple good clumps of grass that were occupying my footholds.  Watch out, Heather!

There wasn't really anything too remarkable about the climb overall, but it was good to get a winner under my belt today, and this one certainly qualifies.  Couldn't lead this one with confidence problems!

Heather's climb is still entrancing.  She makes her way up through the areas that I thought would give her issues by finding holds I didn't even see, I guess.  Love to watch those moves.

A great end to the long weekend, it's time to head off to Howe Sound Brewery.  O Yeah!

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