Sunday, 29 July 2012

Area 44... What's around the corner?

Today I learned that it only takes one bad climb to sour a whole day of climbing...

Another gorgeous morning, it's time to go back to the wonderful, and mostly unexplored, playground that is Area 44.  A great start off with some of the nicer easy climbs on Preview, good to warm up and start the day.  The 6AM start is still the most wonderful thing in the world.  Preview has been getting so busy, but there's nobody here until about 10 or so.

After a solid warm up we decide to go down around the lower end of the area, and check out the 'Marbles Wall'  There are several attractive-sounding routes down here, so the logical approach of working from left to right shall be invoked. 

Leftmost:  I Climb in Peace, a 5.8.  Mistake.  Big mistake.  Pretty basic climb, but not much awesome to be found here.  Rambling and confusing, I was never confident that I was on route, or going to end up where I was going.  You know there's a problem when you have to ask your belayer to read the description from the book and check the topo to see if you're on the right track.

Eventually made the top, and belayed Heather up in her turn, but didn't really feel like continuing on after that stinker.  Oh well, the crag isn't going anywhere, but I sure am.  The pub and then the lake!

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